Wednesday, January 11, 2012

apple cider vinegar

Happy new year! Hope everyone had a blast on 12/31/2011. It is now 2012, end of the world, according to the Mayans. We shall see.

This is the year I become super healthy. I mean, SUPER healthy. Eating foods as close to their natural state as possible, such as fruits, vegetables, and barley.

My friends have been trying to convince me to start a cleanse. I have resisted for the longest time, but I finally caved after the new year and have commenced the "apple cider vinegar" cleanse. Read up on the health benefits, which include anti-acne and weight loss. They seem to substantially outweigh the awful taste.

I dilute 2 tablespoons of Bragg's organic (it HAS to be Bragg's) in a huge glass of water and drink the whole glass. Use a straw so that the vinegar doesn't erode your teeth (highly acidic). I do this right before bed.

I've been doing this for over a week now. My skin has completely cleared up--I went from around 6 pimples to zero pimples and no acne scars! People have commented on my bright complexion. I'm never bloated anymore. I feel lighter.

Note: this is just my opinion and not medical advice. Consult a medical expert if you have any health inquiries.

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